Remembering our Bothers in Albuquerque: A Healing Circle

”Whoever kills one person, is as if they have killed all of humanity..” (Quran 5:32) This month we lost four beautiful souls fired by sectarian violence within our community. 10-13% of Muslims identify as Shia globally, and a minority within the 1% American Muslim population in America. Imam Khalid Latif, Shaykh Faiyez Jaffer, and Sr. […]

Learning Circle: Early Signs of Chronic Psychiatric Disorders

There is an estimated 14.2 million adults in the U.S. who have chronic psychiatric disorders (5.6% of American adults), with the highest rate amongst young adults ages 18-25 (National Institute of Mental Health, 2022). Only about half of patients with severe chronic psychiatric disorders receive treatment (NAMI, 2022).
 Unfortunately, mental illness, continues to be a […]

Substance Abuse Prevention in the Muslim Community: Learning Circle

Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment — Muslims are NOT immune. This Substance Abuse Prevention month, Maristan invited addiction experts, Dr. Ahmed Hassan, Clinician Scientist & Addiction Psychiatrist at Canada’s Center for Addiction & Mental Health, and Dr. Amer Rahemullah, Clinical Assistant Professor in Psychiatry […]

Suicide Prevention in the Muslim Community: Learning Circle

American Muslims have an increasingly high rate of suicide attempts (JAMA). This Suicide Response Awareness Month, Maristan had a Learning Circle around suicide prevention with Imam Magid, ADAMS center Imam, and Dr. Rania Awaad, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. In this recording you will learn about early signs, how to […]

Inaugural Event

An evening of healing and reflection that took place on the eve of the blessed day of Arafah.